четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: SARS starting to hit tourism - AHA

Fed: SARS starting to hit tourism - AHA

The Australian Hotels Association says conditions in the tourism industry have begunto weaken as a result of the Iraq war and the SARS virus outbreak.

AHA deputy director ANDREW WILSMORE says a survey of investor confidence in the Aprilquarter showed that confidence in the tourism industry has begun to soften.

In a statement, Mr WILSMORE says results show confidence in the hospitality sectorhas fallen since the previous quarter as a result of SARS.

War in Iraq has also affected international travel.

But Mr WILSMORE says tourism operators should take comfort from an expected rise indomestic tourism as travellers choose to stay in Australia instead of travelling abroad.

AAP RTV dep/psm/C


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