суббота, 10 марта 2012 г.

Nielsen//NetRatings top 10 Web sites by parent company and top 10 web sites by brand, March 2007.(Brief article)

A parent company is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains and URLs owned by a single entity. A brand is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains and URLs that has a consistent collection of branded content.
Table 1. Top 10 Parent Companies Combined Home & Work 
Parent           Unique Audience (000)  Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) 
 1. Microsoft    119,642                2:10:57 
 2. Google       113,452                1:24:14 
 3. Yahoo        108,453                3:09:59 
 4. Time Warner  105,630                4:20:02 
 5. News Corp     74,611                1:47:14 
 6. eBay          68,528                1:51:35 
 7. InterActive   57,966                0:25:42 
 8. Amazon        49,203                0:21:53 
 9. Wikimedia     46,484                0:16:19 
10. Walt Disney   45,200                0:31:58 
Table 2. Top 10 Brands, Combined Home & Work 
Brand                 Unique Audience (000)  Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) 
 1. Google            108,371                1:06:49 
 2. Yahoo             107,844                3:10:21 
 3. Microsoft          98,707                0:44:28 
 4. MSN/Windows Live   95,393                1:58:08 
 5. AOL Media          94,967                4:29:43 
 6. Fox                65,156                1:55:26 
 7. eBay               61,075                1:51:43 
 8. Wikipedia          46,383                0:16:14 
 9. YouTube            45,040                0:41:47 
10. RealNetworks       44,049                0:34:54 

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