пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Intercable ICH Inc. Announces its 2007 Year End Results

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - April 29, 2008) - Intercable ICHInc. (Intercable)(TSX VENTURE:ICH) is pleased to announce itsfinancial results for the year ended December 31, 2007. Thecorporation's financial statements and Management Discussion andAnalysis are available on the website www.sedar.com.

2007 highlights :

- Closing of the initial public offering totalling $22,000,000;

- Obtaining the title of "declarated operator" (operateurdeclare) from the Autorite de Regulation des CommunicationsElectroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), the French telecommunicationsauthority having jurisdiction on Reunion Island telecommunicationsmarket, to provide cable television, high-speed Internet andtelephony services in Reunion Island;

- Choice of the FTTC technology (fibre to the cell) for the setup of the networks of the corporation;

- Conclusion of various agreements with the main programmingproviders including, Group TF1, Group Lagardere NetworksInternational, Group M6 and Group AB;

- Moved into the technical plant of the corporation in ReunionIsland;

- Commencement of the build-out of the networks at ReunionIsland;

- Filing of a request pursuant to the tax assistance plan forinvestments to overseas departments and collectivities; thecorporation's believes that the construction of its network oftelecommunications, including high-speed Internet services, fallswithin the eligibility criteria of this plan.

"2007 was a turning point for us, and we are very proud of theprogress made during the year. We now have first class technologyand we have built a highly qualified team to put in place ournetworks and start the commercialization of our services" said GuyLaflamme, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intercable.

Financial Results

The corporation is currently concentrating all of its efforts onimplementing its development strategy, and has not generated anyrevenue as of December 31, 2007. The results given below are basedon material information, and reflect the results for fiscal 2007.

Intercable's operating expenses for fiscal 2007 stood at$1,155,220 compared with $89,857 for the period ended December 31,2006. This increase is due to costs associated with the preparationand establishment of the activities of the corporation at ReunionIsland, as well as to the increased work force required in order tobegin the commercialization of the corporation's services.

Over the course of the year, Intercable ordered certain criticalequipment and took the initial steps for the build-out of itsnetworks.

For fiscal 2007, net loss related to operating expenses totalled$832,842, or a loss of $0.04 per share (basic and diluted) comparedto $82,905 for the period ended December 31, 2006.

As at December 31, 2007, Intercable had 24,850,002 common sharesissued and outstanding and $12,750,389 in cash and cash equivalents.At the same date in 2006, the corporation had cash and cashequivalents totalling $533,815.

New Director

Mr. Francois-Guy Richard has been appointed Director of thecorporation last March further to the resignation of Mr. Francois St-Arnaud. Mr. Richard has been appointed by FODEX, Export DevelopmentFund, L.P. pursuant to the voting agreement executed between thecorporation and certain shareholders in April 2007. The corporationwishes to thank Mr. St-Arnaud for his involvement as a director ofthe corporation and welcome Mr. Richard. Mr. Richard is the holderof a master degree in Finance and a master degree in Economy. He hasalso received the title of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Mr.Richard is counsel to investments with FODEX.

About Intercable

Intercable is a Canadian telecommunications company that seeksbroadband telecommunications opportunities in the internationalmarket. Intercable's business strategy is to focus on underservedtelecommunications and cable markets by building and operating itsown broadband networks using state-of-the-art technology capable ofoffering cable television, high-speed Internet and telephonyservices, at a low cost and with high service quality. The Companytargets markets with i) limited or no cable service; ii) feasibilityof aerial cable construction; and iii) stable politicalenvironments. Management believes that Reunion Island currentlyrepresents the most significant growth opportunity for Intercable.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements thatare subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that couldcause actual results to vary materially from targeted results. Suchrisks and uncertainties include those described in Intercable'sprospectus dated March 23, 2007 or in the filings made by Intercablefrom time to time with securities regulators. Intercable undertakesno obligation to publicly release the result of any revision ofthese forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstancesafter the date they are made or to reflect the occurrence ofunanticipated events.

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