Time spent on the top 10 financial Web sites and online properties At Work increased nearly 60 percent on average. Among the top 10 financial sites At Work, Fool.com and eTrade.com had the greatest increase in number of Unique Visitors from December to March. Yahoo Finance and the Quicken Financial Network maintained their positions as the Number One and Two financial sites At Work, respectively, during the first three months of this year.
Top Financial Sites Ranked by Unique Visitors (U.V's) AtWork ((000)) U.V.'s (000) U.V.'s (000) Percent Rank Site At-Work in Mar. `99 At-Work in Dec. `98 Increase 1 Yahoo Finance 2,800 2,220 26% 2 Quicken Financial 2,008 1,230 63% Network 3 AOL Personal Finance 1,720 1,200 43% 4 MSN's MoneyCentral 1,157 683 69% 5 CBS Marketwatch 891 740 20% 6 CNNFN.com 885 723 22% 7 Etrade.Com 744 357 108% 8 Wall Street Journal 613 427 44% sites 9 Bloomberg.com 559 409 37% 10 Fool.com 558 211 164%
At-work Internet users spent the most time on Stocksite.com in March, with 4.4 average hours per month -- a 166 percent increase since December. Ragingbull.com and Thomsoninvest.net followed Stocksite.com as the Number Two and Three "stickiest" financial sites in the first quarter '99, growing 860 and 1080 percent, respectively.
Top Financial Sites Ranked by Avg. Minutes Spent/Month At-Work Avg. Minutes Avg. Minutes Percent Spent/Month Spent/Month Increase Rank Site At-Work in Mar., `99 At-Work in Dec., `98 Dec. '98 - Mar. '99 1 Stocksite.com 266.8 100.2 166% 2 Ragingbull.com 182.4 19.0 860% 3 Thomsoninvest.net 94.4 8.0 1080% 4 Datek.com 74.0 48.2 54% 5 Yahoo Finance 61.3 52.2 17%
Among At Home financial site and online property users, AOL Personal Finance has consistently ranked Number One over the last quarter. Overall, the number of Unique Visitors to financial sites At Home increased 25 percent from December to March* (from 9.7 to 12.1 million). The top three fastest growing financial sites among the Top 10 by At Home users are Fool.com, which increased 65 percent; MSN's MoneyCentral, which increased 41 percent; and the Quicken Financial Network, which increased 38 percent since December '98.
Top Financial Sites Ranked by Unique Visitors (U.V's) At-Home ((000)) U.V.'s (000) U.V.'s (000) Rank Site At-Home in At-Home in Percent Mar., `99 Dec., `98 Increase 1 AOL Personal Finance 8,436 6,522 29% 2 Yahoo Finance 3,580 2,852 26% 3 Quicken Financial 3,094 2,218 39% Network 4 MSN's MoneyCentral 1,422 1,009 41% 5 Etrade.Com 1,021 848 20% 6 CBS Marketwatch 909 727 25% 7 CNNFN.com 794 656 21% 8 Fool.com 668 406 65% 9 Schwab.com 636 479 33% 10 Bloomberg.com 621 546 14%
At-Home users spent the most time on Datek.com in March (58.1 avg. minutes/month), and on Techstocks.com, 31.4 minutes. In addition, Ragingbull.com which had the largest increase in time spent (91%) from December to March, ranked number three overall in time spent among financial sites and online properties At Home with 43.2 average minutes spent per user in March 1999.
Top Financial Sites Ranked by Avg. Minutes Spent/Month At-Home Avg. Minutes Avg. Minutes Percent Spent/Month Spent/Month Increse Increase Rank Site At-Home in At-Home in Dec. `98 Mar. `99 Dec.`98 to Mar. `99 1 Datek.com 58.1 46.0 26% 2 Techstocks.com 49.0 31.4 56% 3 Ragingbull.com 43.2 22.6 91% 4 Etrade.com 42.9 40.9 5% 5 Lombard 42.0 23.2 81% * Based on Web-only universe. About Media Metrix Media Metrix, Inc., the leader in Internet audience measurement worldwide, provides leading advertising agencies, new and traditional media companies, e-commerce marketers, financial institutions and technology companies with comprehensive coverage of all digital media (including more than 15,000 Web sites and online properties). Media Metrix utilizes its patented methodology to measure actual Internet and digital media audience usage behavior, offering monthly, weekly, and real-time data collection and reporting, and a sample of more than 40,000 people under measurement. For more information about Media Metrix, please visit www.mediametrix.com.
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