понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.

Online Holiday Shopping Lags Behind Last Year as e-Tailers Experience Slow-to-Start Season, According to Nielsen//NetRatings

Nielsen//NetRatings, the leading Internet audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research, ACNielsen eRatings.com and NetRatings, Inc. (Nasdaq:NTRT), today announced the first results from its second annual Holiday E-Commerce Index.

The index, which measures home and work Internet user visits to representative e-commerce sites in ten categories, revealed that the holiday shopping season has yet to begin with zero percent growth the week ending November 5 over the prior week.

By comparison, in the same first week of November 1999, there was explosive growth when people first began shopping online for the holidays. Many individual e-tailers, who experienced soaring traffic during the beginning of last year's holiday season, did not enjoy the same meteoric rise during the same time period this year. For example, last year's holiday shopping season began the week ending November 7, 1999, when traffic to many e-commerce sites spiked in unique visitors, according to the Nielsen//NetRatings Holiday E-Commerce Index (see Table 1). This year, the same week ending November 5, 2000, saw many e-tailing sites making flat or modest gains.

"Last year's holiday shopping season began with a big bang right after people put away their Halloween costumes," said Sean Kaldor, vice president of eCommerce at NetRatings. "This year we are not seeing the same trends, suggesting that other factors took the focus off the impending holidays, such as less dot com advertising or interest in the Presidential election." According to Table 1, the consumer electronics category led last year's growth with a 56 percent boost in unique visitors at home. This year the category rose a much more modest 16 percent. Toys and games, one of the categories slated for hot growth this holiday season, leapt 47 percent last year while remaining flat this season. Computer hardware sites attracted 19 percent more traffic last year while dipping nearly seven percent this year.

Apparel sites drew 13 percent more shoppers in 1999 while engaging only nine percent more visitors in 2000. The books/music/video category grew nearly 13 percent last year, but increased five percent this year. The specialty gifts category was the only one to reverse the trend with one percent growth last year and more than 12 percent rise this year.
Table 1. Nielsen//NetRatings Holiday E-Commerce Index, 1999 vs. 2000 (U.S., Unique Audience at Home)
                     % Change in                % Change in 
                     Unique Audience            Unique Audience 
Category             Weeks 10/31/99-11/7/99     Weeks 10/29/00-11/5/00 
CONSUMER ELECTRONICS      55.9%                        16.2% 
TOYS & GAMES              46.9%                        -0.5% 
COMPUTER HARDWARE         18.5%                        -6.5% 
APPAREL                   13.4%                         9.2% 
BOOKS/MUSIC/VIDEO         12.5%                         4.9% 
SPECIALTY GIFTS            1.0%                        12.5% 

Note: The index is comprised of five representative sites in each category, and is meant to act as a barometer to gauge the level of interest at e-commerce sites during the holiday season. Sites in each category may or may not be the same in years 1999 and 2000.
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, November 2000
Table 2 shows a comparison of home traffic at selected e-commerce sites from last year's holiday shopping beginning to the same time period this year. BestBuy.com soared 128 percent during the start of the holiday season last year, but rose 21 percent this year. Etoys.com jumped 55 percent in 1999, but increased seven percent in 2000. Gap.com grew 34 percent last year but fell nearly ten percent this year.
"Last year was the first consumer holiday shopping season on the Web where many e-commerce sites skyrocketed in traffic as they established themselves online for the first time," said Kaldor. "As we've seen, many were weeded out. This year proves to be a tougher environment with an Internet matured. The next two weeks will be crucial for e-tailers to drive up traffic if they are banking on a big holiday season and they want to hit their revenue marks."

Table 2. Nielsen//NetRatings Unique Audience for E-Tailers in 1999 vs. 2000 (U.S., Home only)
Site         UA, Week  UA, Week  UA, Week  UA, Week    %        % 
             ending    ending    ending    ending    Change   Change 
             10/31/99  11/7/99   10/29/00  11/5/00  for 1999 for 2000 
Bestbuy.com   89,040   202,716   450,319   545,356    127.7%   21.1% 
Etoys.com    522,934   810,589   580,411   619,790     55.0%    6.8% 
Buy.com      287,656   438,572   495,554   490,609     52.5%   -1.0% 
Gap.com      217,331   291,881   290,542   262,434     34.3%   -9.7% 
Jcrew.com    135,674   171,884   204,883   134,678     26.7%  -34.3% 

Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, November 2000
About Nielsen//NetRatings
Nielsen//NetRatings, the audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research and NetRatings, Inc., collects real-time data from more than 70,000 panel members in the United States. The U.S. panel sample consists of 62,000 at-home users and 8,000 at-work users. These panels collectively represent the largest representative media research sample of Internet users in the industry. Internationally, Nielsen//NetRatings services are provided via ACNielsen eRatings.com, a venture between ACNielsen (NYSE:ART) and NetRatings, Inc. Globally, Nielsen//NetRatings services measure the Internet experiences of nearly 200,000 global Internet users.
Nielsen//NetRatings services use unique technology capable of measuring both Internet use and advertising to provide the most timely, accurate and comprehensive Internet usage data and advertising information in the global marketplace. Nielsen//NetRatings services leverage proprietary data-collection technology from NetRatings, Nielsen Media Research's 50 years of expertise in research and audience measurement, and ACNielsen's international leadership in supplying market research information covering more than 100 countries. For more information, please visit www.nielsen-netratings.com.

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