среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

Internet Access for Blue-Collar Workers Spikes 52 Percent, According to Nielsen//NetRatings

The Internet ratings report for the month of March 2001 from Nielsen//NetRatings, the world's fastest growing Internet audience measurement service, reveals that home Internet access for blue-collar workers grew faster than any other occupational group, surging 52 percent since March 2000. The growth rate for factory operators and laborers was more than double the rate of Internet growth.

Overall, the Internet grew 25 percent since last March. Factory operators and laborers accounted for 9.5 million of the total Internet population who accessed the Web in March 2001, compared to only 6.2 million during the same month last year. Surfers spent an average of 11 minutes online and viewed 698 pages during the month. Homemakers were the second fastest growing group, jumping 49 percent in the past year to 2.5 million people. Internet users working in the service field grew 37 percent or 2.9 million, while workers in sales rose 37 percent to more than 5.6 million.

Workers in the clerical or administrative field rounded out the top five. More than 5.5 million had access to the Web from home, rising 31 percent in the past year (see Table 1). "The Internet was, at first, an elitist country club reserved only for individuals with select financial abilities and technical skills," said Sean Kaldor, vice president of eCommerce, NetRatings. "Now, nearly every socio-economic group is aggressively adopting the Web, having a fundamental impact on e-commerce, online advertising, and more. This continues to open up new mid-market opportunities for mass merchandising, consumer packaged goods marketing, and value-conscious e-commerce."
Table 1. Nielsen//NetRatings Fastest Growing Occupational Groups Based 
on Head of Household (US, Home) 
Occupation                  Unique Audience   Unique Audience Percent 
                                 March 2000        March 2001  Growth 
Factory Operator/Laborer          6,220,800         9,482,779     52% 
Homemaker                         1,632,756         2,426,776     49% 
Service Worker                    2,106,255         2,895,816     37% 
Sales                             4,171,692         5,608,095     34% 
Clerical or Administrative        4,245,166         5,577,505     31% 
Craftsman/Craftswoman             3,151,219         4,078,615     29% 
Education                         3,771,666         4,843,355     28% 
Retired                           6,596,334         8,463,125     28% 
Military                          1,306,205         1,672,232     28% 
Self-Employed                     7,429,040         9,176,883     24% 
Professional                     14,972,372        18,455,731     23% 
Full Time Student                 1,787,868         2,202,452     23% 
Technical                         7,192,290         8,789,414     22% 
Executive or Managerial          11,910,955        14,397,510     21% 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, April 2001 
      March Internet Audience Ratings 
      The following set of at-home and at-work information includes: Top 
25 Web Properties, Top 25 Internet Advertisers, Top 10 Banner Ads and 
Average Web Usage for the month of March 2001. 
           Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Web Sites by Property 
                          Month of March 2001 
              Ranking of the Most Visited Web Properties 
Top 25 Properties, Combined Home & Work 
Property                                    Unique        Time Per 
                                          Audience          Person 
                                             (000)   (hrs:min:sec) 
1.       AOL Time Warner                    79,168         1:08:51 
2.       Yahoo!                             69,139         1:54:34 
3.       MSN                                61,260         1:28:43 
4.       Microsoft                          39,976         0:13:29 
5.       Terra Lycos                        35,472         0:18:44 
6.       Excite@Home                        30,900         0:40:04 
7.       About The Human Internet           26,033         0:11:16 
8.       Walt Disney Internet Group         26,020         0:37:11 
9.       Amazon                             22,751         0:17:23 
10.      eBay                               21,265         2:08:26 
11.      NBC Internet                       18,967         0:15:20 
12.      CNET Networks                      18,834         0:17:56 
13.      eUniverse Network                  18,421         0:18:21 
14.      Ask Jeeves                         15,531         0:10:18 
15.      Napster Inc.                       14,674         0:21:17 
16.      GoTo.com                           13,621         0:04:19 
17.      Weather Channel                    13,475         0:13:58 
18.      AltaVista                          13,458         0:11:31 
19.      Google                             13,125         0:23:35 
20.      American Greetings                 13,037         0:13:32 
21.      BONZI.COM                          12,914         0:04:02 
22.      LookSmart                          12,858         0:06:11 
23.      The Go2Net Network                 12,675         0:11:09 
24.      Viacom International               12,482         0:20:01 
25.      Real Networks                      11,793         0:08:11 
      Example: The combined home and work data indicate that nearly 11.8 
million home & work Internet users visited at least one of the Real 
Networks-owned sites during the reporting period, and each person 
spent, on average, a total of 8 minutes and 11 seconds at one or more 
of their sites. 
      Notes: Rankings are based on audience measurement of people who 
have access to the Internet at-home and at-work. Work rankings are 
based on persons at-work who have access to a non-shared personal 
computer. A property is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains 
and URLs owned by a single entity. Reach is a measure of the 
unduplicated audience that visits a property. The data are expressed 
as the percentage of the total universe of Internet users who logged 
onto the Internet at least once during the reporting period. 
                Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Advertisers 
                          Month of March 2001 
      Top advertisers, ranked by banner impressions, are based on data 
from BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated advertising 
research report. An impression is counted each time an ad banner is 
fully loaded onto a user's screen. 
Top 25 Advertisers, At-Home       Top 25 Advertisers, At-Work 
Advertiser/a Impressions Reach %  Advertiser/a   Impressions  Reach % 
                   (000)                               (000) 
1.TRUSTe       3,038,469    33.6  1.TRUSTe         2,380,410     51.6 
2.Microsoft    2,956,171    55.6  2.Microsoft      1,944,603     73.8 
3.Amazon       1,422,520    63.0  3.ConsumerInfo   1,233,023     23.7 
4.Yahoo!       1,260,128    36.2  4.Yahoo!           974,424     50.9 
5.ClassMates   1,035,934    47.7  5.ClassMates       761,746     68.6 
6.ConsumerInfo   898,238    12.6  6.E*TRADE          759,446     32.6 
7.E*TRADE        719,417    20.1  7.Amazon           712,795     71.6 
8.Barnes and 
  Noble          676,166    48.1  8.Providian        477,769     57.5 
9.Providian      643,673    39.6  9.Barnes and 
                                    Noble            429,322     59.3 
10.eBay          611,937    35.8  10.eBay            363,180     47.4 
   Online        548,449    40.5  11.Datek           343,506     21.8 
12.CyberRebate   416,355    33.1  12.JP Morgan 
                                     Chase           320,880     34.2 
13.China Internet                 13.ESPN            315,330     10.5 
   Corporation   384,688    13.3 
   Software      327,800    41.1  14.National 
                                     Brokers         309,616     17.6 
15.National                       15.CyberRebate     283,658     50.7 
   Brokers       323,877     6.5 
16.Lycos         313,857    14.7  16.Netscape        276,024     46.3 
17.JP Morgan 
   Chase         313,554    19.8  17.America Online  270,878     50.4 
18.Netscape      305,499    30.0  18.Next Card       247,801     42.2 
19.iWin          289,657    20.6  19.Sprint          239,406     14.5 
20.Next Card     287,050    24.1  20.Bonzi Software  234,127     60.6 
  Communications 270,399     9.5  21.Webvan          226,569     11.6 
22.uBid        265,219      25.0  22.Lycos           224,638     23.6 
23.Compaq      252,250      20.7  23.uBid            216,196     41.4 
24.Datek       246,685       8.1  24.TD Waterhouse   210,001     11.8 
25.ESPN        242,560       5.8  25.iWin            195,836     32.2 
/a Impressions reported include house ads, which are ads that run on 
an advertiser's own web property. 
      Example: An estimated 242.6 million ESPN banners were completely 
loaded on home users' computers during the reporting period. These 
banners were delivered to 5.8 percent or 5.9 million home Internet 
            Nielsen//NetRatings: Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed 
                          Month of March 2001 
      Top Banners, ranked according to reach percentage, are cited from 
BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated ad research service. 
Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Home 
Advertiser/b        Reach %   Creative 
1.Bonzi Software       29.5   Warning: Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                              Optimized. Download InternetBOOST 2001 
2.ClassMates           22.9   Do any of these people look familiar? 
                              Find your old friends again. 
3.Colonize             18.0   Message Alert -- You have 1 message 
                              waiting for you. 
4.Amazon               15.3   Shop Here!  Amazon.com. 
5.ClassMates           13.5   Do any of these people look familiar? 
                              Find your old friends again. 
6.Providian            12.2   30-Second Credit Decision - Great Rewards 
7.JP Morgan Chase      11.9   Shopping sprees have never been so 
8.JP Morgan Chase      11.8   If you're a frequent buyer you can be a 
                              frequent flyer. 
                              The Continental Airlines Credit Card 
                              from Chase. 
9.JP Morgan Chase      11.7   For once you'll be glad you're being 
                              carded. Get the Shell Platinum 
                              MasterCard from Chase. 
   Counseling          11.6   Credit Card Bill -- Student Loans -- 
                              Medical Bills 
                              Getting behind on those bills? We can 
Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Work 
Advertiser/b        Reach %   Creative 
1.Bonzi Software       49.6   Warning: Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                              Optimized. Download InternetBOOST 2001 
2.ClassMates           38.0   Do any of these people look familiar? 
                              Find your old friends again. 
3.Colonize             34.0   Message Alert -- You have 1 message 
                              waiting for you. 
4.ClassMates           25.1   Do any of these people look familiar? 
                              Find your old friends again. 
5.Providian            24.4   30-Second Credit Decision -- Great 
6.Amazon               21.4   Shop Here! Amazon.com. 
7.JP Morgan Chase      21.4   If you're a frequent buyer you can be a 
                              frequent flyer. The Continental Airlines 
                              Credit Card from Chase. 
8.JP Morgan Chase      21.1   Shopping sprees have never been so 
9.JP Morgan Chase      20.3   For once you'll be glad you're being 
                              carded. Get the Shell Platinum 
                              MasterCard from Chase. 
   Counseling          20.0   Credit Card Bill -- Student Loans -- 
                              Medical Bills 
                              Getting behind on those bills? We can 
/b Ad banners that run predominantly on an advertiser's own property 
are not included in the top banner rankings. 
   Nielsen//NetRatings: Average Internet Usage Combined Home & Work 
                          Month of March 2001 
      Data below represent activity for the average Internet user 
at-home and at-work during the month. 
                                    Home &        Home &    % Change 
                                     Work,         Work,        from 
                                     March      February    February 
Number of Sessions per Week             33            30       +10.0 
Number of Unique Sites Visited          21            19       +10.5 
Page Views per Week                  1,118         1,051        +6.4 
Page Views per Surfing Session          34            36        -5.6 
Time Spent per Week               17:19:49      16:29:30        +5.1 
Time Spent during Surfing 
 Session                           0:31:42       0:32:44        -3.1 
Duration of a Page viewed          0:00:55       0:00:55           0 
Active Internet Universe 
 (actually surfed)                   112.7         109.5        +2.9 
                                   million       million 
Current Internet 
 Universe Estimate (had access, 
 but did not necessarily go 
 online)                             173.2         170.1        +1.8 
                                   million       million 
About Nielsen//NetRatings
Nielsen//NetRatings, the audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research and NetRatings, Inc., collects real-time data from more than 70,000 panel members in the United States. The U.S. panel sample consists of 62,000 at-home users and 8,000 at-work users. These panels collectively represent the largest representative media research sample of Internet users in the industry. Worldwide, Nielsen//NetRatings services are provided via a partnership with ACNielsen eRatings.com, a venture between ACNielsen and NetRatings, Inc., and measure the Internet experiences of more than 220,000 Internet users.

Nielsen//NetRatings services use unique technology capable of measuring both Internet use and advertising to provide the most timely, accurate and comprehensive Internet usage data and advertising information in the global marketplace. Nielsen//NetRatings services leverage proprietary data-collection technology from NetRatings, Nielsen Media Research's 50 years of expertise in research and audience measurement, and ACNielsen's international leadership in supplying market research information covering more than 100 countries. For more information, please visit www.nielsen-netratings.com.

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