суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.


YouTube.com Makes Google Sites Top Ranking Video Property in Majority of Asia-Pac Markets, While Local Video Properties Youku and Tudou Also Feature Prominently comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the launch of comScore Video Metrix in the Asia-Pacific marketplace. comScore's industry-leading video measurement product is now available in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore, in addition to the five markets where the service is already available (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Germany). (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO

 "Online video viewing has become an essential part of the digital consumer experience in the Asia-Pacific region, with nearly 4 out of 5 Web users viewing online video each month," said Will Hodgman, comScore's executive vice president for the Asia-Pacific region. "comScore Video Metrix offers publishers, advertisers and their agencies competitive intelligence into the online video viewing marketplace, providing critical insights about the audiences engaging in this behavior. As the lines between TV and online video continue to blur, it is increasingly important for marketers to understand these audiences and how to reach and engage them effectively." Singapore Posts Highest Video Penetration, Japan Users Most Engaged In each of the Asia-Pacific video markets, more than 80 percent of home and work Internet users (age 15 and older) viewed online video during the month of January.

China had with the largest video-viewing audience with 199 million unique viewers, who viewed a total of 10.3 billion videos in January. Japan ranked second with 60.4 million viewers and posted the strongest user engagement with an average of more than 12.5 hours of video viewing per viewer. More than 10.6 million Australians viewed 934 million videos during the month, ranking Australia as the third largest video market in Asia-Pac. Despite having smaller overall video viewing audiences, Singapore (87.6 percent) and Hong Kong (87.4 percent) boasted the highest penetration of video viewers among their respective Internet populations. Both markets also exhibited high engagement with viewers averaging more than 10 hours of online video during the month.

Video Overview by Market


January 2010


Total Audience, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations*


Source: comScore Video Metrix



Unique % Reach Minutes

Viewers Web per

(000) Population Videos (000) Viewer

-------- ---------- ------------ -------

China 198,849 81.6 10,288,986 441.2

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Japan 60,365 84.9 8,420,530 753.1

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Australia 10,670 81.5 933,862 389.7

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Malaysia 7,662 81.5 487,533 238.8

-------- ----- ---- ------- -----

Hong Kong 3,526 87.4 414,662 613.2

--------- ----- ---- ------- -----

Singapore 2,453 87.6 339,648 649.8

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. YouTube Makes Google Sites Top Video Property in Most Asia-Pac Markets Google Sites, driven predominantly by video viewership at YouTube.com, was the top video destination according to the number of videos viewed in all markets except China, which was led by three local Chinese video properties Youku, Tudou Sites and 56.com. In Japan, Google Sites ranked first, followed by local property Dwango Co., Ltd. (which includes Nicovideo.jp) and NTT Group (which includes OCN.ne.jp). In Australia, Microsoft Sites captured the number #2 spot, followed by Facebook.com. Facebook.com ranked among the top three video properties in Malaysia, Australia and Singapore, while Tudou Sites ranked second in China, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Top 3 Video Properties* by Market Based on Total Videos Viewed


January 2010


Total Audience, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations**


Source: comScore Video Metrix


#1 Video

Market Property #2 Video Property #3 Video Property

------ -------- ----------------- -----------------

China Youku Tudou Sites 56.com

----- ----- ----------- ------

Japan Google Sites Dwango Co., Ltd. NTT Group

----- ------------ ---------------- ---------

Australia Google Sites Microsoft Sites Facebook.com

--------- ------------ --------------- ------------

Malaysia Google Sites Facebook.com Metacafe.com

-------- ------------ ------------ ------------

Hong Kong Google Sites Tudou Sites Youku

--------- ------------ ----------- -----

Singapore Google Sites Tudou Sites Facebook.com

*Video Properties include all sites under that parent company. For example, Google Sites includes YouTube.com, Fox Interactive Media includes MySpace.com, Dwango Co., Ltd. Includes Nicovideo.jp., etc. **Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

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